CPH Mediation & Negotiation offers assistance in resolving companies‘ and organizations’ commercial disputes and conflicts at the earliest possible time in order to:

  • To reduce the company’s or organization’s costs of conflict resolution
  • To find better and more commercially oriented solutions than the solutions that can be achieved through legal proceedings (court and arbitration)
  • To maintain good collaborative relationships with a focus on future collaborations rather than on past disagreements
  • To create a good climate of cooperation – both internally and externally
  • To signal the company’s collaborative culture to the outside world

Negotiation and mediation provide the opportunity to find better and more commercially oriented solutions than litigation and arbitration

Our focus is to resolve commercial disputes and conflicts through negotiation and mediation rather than through legal proceedings (lawsuits and arbitration), because:

  • Companies rarely have a commercial interest in leaving business decisions to a judge or an arbitrator
  • Commercial conflicts are rarely principled
  • Conflicts are most often rooted in human factors, such as poor communication, misunderstandings and mistrust combined with conflicting interests and unwillingness to focus on the interests of the counterpart.
  • On average Danish companies spend 8.2% of their result after tax on conflicts. In the construction business the figure is as high as 14.1%*.
  • The duration of legal procedings is often very long. On average, litigation takes 16 months and arbitration 18 months *.
  • Negotiation and mediation provide the opportunity to find better and more commercially oriented solutions than litigation and arbitration.

*cf. The White paper “Mediation i et samfundsmæssigt perspektiv” (2016) published by the Danish Mediation Institute