“..many companies are in fact far more interested in bringing down the level of conflict than spending time on expensive and exhausting lawsuits and arbitration.”
Thomas Samsø Bloch, Advokatwatch (19.8.2021)
”After arguing in court for many years, I have come to the realization that there must be better ways to resolve conflicts than to dispute each other, and the relationships you have. And that it costs a lot of time and money.”
Gert Nilsson Eldrimner, Advokaten (nr. 7, 2020)
“Mediation is not about stating rights and obligations, but about entering into a joint agreement.“
Thomas Samsø Bloch, Weekendavisen (14.8.2020)
“I medling kan man istället fokusera på en affärsmässig lösning, vilket ju är det som parterna önskar, inte en lösning som finns att hämta i lagboken. Då blir lagstiftningen mer som ”bakgrundsmusik”.
– Gert Nilsson Eldrimner, Dagens Juridik (26.8.2021)