The costs of commercial conflict resolution are all too often sky-high. On average Danish companies spend 8.2% of their profit after tax on conflicts and in the construction business this figure is as high as 14.1% *. In addition approx. half of the cost are spend on internal ressources, i.e. if you want a clear picture of your company’s legal spendings, you can double the amount spend on lawyer bills.
An independant review of your pending cases and a clear dispute resolution strategy can save the company a lot of time and money and let the employees focus on creating value.

Well prepared dispute resolution strategies will ensure that disputes and conflicts are dealt with proactively and in a commercially sound manner

By far the fewest Scandinavian companies have established a clearly formulated strategy on how to handle disputes and conflicts. Strategies that determine the core company values when it comes to disputes and conflicts ​​and the concrete processes that must be followed when they arise and cannot be resolved immediately by negotiation.


The most commonly used strategy is to leave the dispute resolution to external lawyers – however this often leads to lengthy and costly litigation in court or in arbitration. Very often commercial disputes and conflicts can be resolved in negotiation or in mediation instead, saving time and money and keeping control of the situation.

Well prepared dispute resolution strategies will ensure that companies and organizations do not have to rely on reactive and unproductive conflict resolution habits and traditions, but instead should be dealt with in a proactive and commercially sound manner.

At CPH Mediation & Negotiation we are full-time mediators and attorneys-at-law specialised in the field of mediation, negotiation and dispute resolution. We know that conflicts are a common and natural part of commercial interaction and that commercial disagreements, disputes and conflicts often are rooted in human factors, such as poor communication, misunderstandings and mistrust. Factors that make it all the more difficult for the parties involved to focus on the best commercial solution when disputes and conflicts arise. All the more reason to have the right strategy when things develop differently than expected.

We advise companies and organizations on how to optimize the handling of their pending cases and formulate and implement conflict resolution strategies in order to prevent commercial conflicts and to resolve commercial conflicts as early as possible and in the most appropriate way.

*cf. The White paper “Mediation i et samfundsmæssigt perspektiv” (2016) published by the Danish Mediation Institute